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Meloxicam is an oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used in dogs and cats tocontrol pain and inflammation due to trauma, surgery, injuries and osteoarthritis (OA). WhileMeloxicam is not a cure for osteoarthritis, it can control the pain and inflammation of thisdebilitating disease and improve your pet’s mobility. Meloxicam is available as an oral syrup,chewable tablet and also as a transmucosal oral spray.


  • Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
  • Given by mouth


  • Commonly used to reduce pain and inflammation following surgery (e.g. for surgeries such as spays, ear procedures, dentistry or orthopedic repairs)
  • Used to control pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis in dogs [signs include limping or lameness, decreased activity or exercise (reluctance to stand, climb stairs, jump or run or difficulty in performing these activities), stiffness or decreased movement of joints]
  • Used to control pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis in cats [signs include limping or lameness, decreased activity or exercise (reluctance to stand, climb stairs, jump or run or difficulty in performing these activities), stiffness or decreased movement of joints, hiding, change of grooming habits, restlessness, aggression, inappropriate eliminations]
  • Your veterinarian may administer injectable Meloxicam in the clinic and recommend that you follow up with the oral formulation for several days at home.


  • Meloxicam is licensed for longer-term use in cats in certain countries at lower doses, however, extreme caution and diligent monitoring should still be used in cats
  • This medication should not be used in animals with liver or kidney disease
  • This medication should not be used in animals with active gastrointestinal disease such asinflammatory bowel disease or ulcerations
  • This medication should not be used in animal with bleeding disorders (e.g. von Willebrand’s disease or thrombocytopenia) or animals that require future surgery
  • This medication should not be used in pediatric patients – safe use has not been established in dogs less than 6 weeks of age or cats less than 4 months of age
  • This medication should be used with caution in geriatric animals or pets with pre-existing chronic disease
  • This medication should be used with caution in animals with a history heart disease
  • This medication should be used with caution in animals with low blood pressure such as during general or inhalant anesthesia
  • Safety in animals that are intended for breeding, pregnant or nursing has not been established
  • Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to this drug should not take this medication


The injectable formulation of Meloxicam is often given in the safety of a veterinary hospital withadequate patient monitoring and is rarely prescribed for use at home.

For oral formulations, read and follow the prescription label carefully.

Give the exact amount prescribed and only as often as directed. This medication should be givenwith food.

Give this medication for as long as your veterinarian directs. Do not skip doses or stop giving themedication without consulting your veterinarian.

Baseline blood work and urinalysis is often recommended to assess your pet’s general healthbefore starting this drug. Periodic blood work and urinalysis will be required to monitor thismedication’s effects on the body. 

Dose adjustments or changes to the dosage schedule may be made based upon these resultsand an assessment of how your dog or cat is responding clinically. 

The length of use, frequency of administration, and expected improvement is dependent uponyour pet’s diagnosis, clinical response, and initial reason for use.

You will need a current weight of your pet and particular care should be given with regard to theaccuracy of dosing. Oral suspensions require shaking prior to dose measurements.

There are various concentrations and different dosing syringes available for Meloxicam.

Suspensions are often given to small dogs and cats using a drop dispenser bottle. To preventaccidental overdosing of small dogs and cats, administer drops on food only, never directly intothe mouth. Carefully measure suspension onto food to assure that the correct dose is givenbefore presentation of the food to your pet. Replace and tighten medication cap after use.

Special concentrations of Meloxicam have been developed for cats, speak to your veterinarianprior to using any Meloxicam variation that has not been specifically formulated and licensed forcats.

For larger dogs, Meloxicam suspensions can be given using the measuring syringe provided inthe package. The syringe fits onto the bottle and has a scale in kg designed to deliver the dailymaintenance dose. When using the syringe, the dog’s weight should be rounded down to thenearest kg increment. Ensure that you can correctly measure your pets weight on the dosingsyringe provided. Medication can then be administered orally either by mixing it with food orplacing it directly into the mouth. Replace and tighten medication cap after use.

Do not give this medication with any other over the counter medications that are used for treatingpain without consulting your veterinarian.

This medication will take effect quickly, in about 1 to 2 hours. Improvement in clinical signs shouldfollow.

Call ahead for refills.

Ideally, give medication at the same time(s) daily.


Follow your veterinarian’s instructions. Do not change the way you give Meloxicam without firstspeaking with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will tell you what amount to give, and for howlong it should be given. Your veterinarian will assemble the spray bottle/pump prior to dispensingit to you.

Gently shake the bottle. If the bottle is not used for two days or more, re-prime with one spray, oruntil a fine spray appears. If a partial dose is administered to the pet due to pump failure, do notre-dose, but wait until the next dosing time to administer a full dose.

To administer this product, grasp the corner of your dog’s mouth and gently pull it away from the gums, opening the cheek space. Place the applicator tip just inside the cheek space directed towards the back of the cheek space. Holding the bottle and pump upright, fully depress the spray head taking special care to ensure no spray escapes from the mouth. Allow the pump to fully reflate before administering consecutive sprays (if necessary).

Wipe pump with tissue or moist paper towel to prevent clogging. Wash hands after product administration. Discard bottle 6 months after assembly.

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