Temporary Care (SPOT)

Temporary Care (SPOT)

Seeking temporary foster care placement through your social networks, friends, family and neighbors can often provide an immediate solution for pet owners. It is our first suggestion when considering options for temporary care.

We encourage pet owners to post online in their social networks when seeking temporary care options. Facebook neighborhood groups, the Nextdoor app, and local blog sites can be great places to start. A cute photo of your pet, information about their personality, and clear expectations on what is needed will go a long way. Seattle Humane is happy to provide supplies to friends, neighbors or family members to use while caring for your pet. Check out this temporary guardian contractto organize your arrangements.

We also encourage pet guardians to seek temporary care for their pets through Seattle Humane’s Home to Home fostering website. Home to Home is a free online platform that allows pet guardians to connect directly with potential foster parents to find temporary care for their pets. Please note that while Home to Home is affiliated with Seattle Humane, it is not a part of our regular foster program. Our foster department does not manage these cases and does not provide supplies, resources, medical or behavioral care for these animals.

SPOT (Supporting Pet Owners in Transition)

The SPOT program uses Seattle Humane’s existing foster network to house pets for owners who need temporary care due to housing insecurity, hospitalization or another personal crisis.

This program is designed to support pet owners who may be facing the decision to surrender their animal to a shelter. Rather than having to part with their pet, Seattle Humane’s animal care team and foster families step in to provide care for up to 90 days. The goal is to reunite pets with their owners, offering them both a second chance to stay together.

If you need temporary housing for your pet, please fill out the intake form below. All intakes are by appointment only. After we receive your intake form, a team member will reach out to review the pet’s information and determine the next steps in the process with you.

If you have any questions, please contact the Intake Department at intake@seattlehumane.org and/or (425) 649-756. We do not require government identification or documentation to access our services.

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