Pets Get the Back-to-School-Blues, Too!

It’s hard to say goodbye to summer, not only for us but also for our furry four-legged friends too! As we get nervous to jump into the back-to-school routine yet again, so do our pets. Our pets enjoy the summer because it’s more time to spend with us! During the summer, most of us either… Read more

It’s National Dog Day!

We are quickly approaching the 10th annual National Dog Day on Aug. 26. This important day began in 2004 founded by pet lifestyle expert and author, Colleen Paige, to recognize all dogs and everything they do for us. This day was created to honor dogs and to show our deep appreciation for the impact they have on… Read more

The Year of the Mixed Breed

The Westminster Kennel Club is hosting its 138th annual show in New York City on Feb. 10-11, featuring 187 different dog breeds. This show has been a treasure for many competitors and dog lovers since 1877, but this year there will be even more to celebrate as mixed breed dogs join the ranks in the… Read more

The Adorable Head Tilt: Favorite Photo Opportunity or Something More?

You whisper a few favorite words like “treat” or “walk” and your canine friend responds with an irresistible head tilt that makes you gush. Why? Our dogs know us well. They’ve memorized our expressions, body language and even our vocabulary. Some even claim their dogs know what they’re thinking before they do. So naturally it’s… Read more