6 Fluff-bugs Who’ve Had Enough of Winter!

It’s that time of year when everyone is suffering from post-holiday blues. No more twinkling lights and festive music to make the weather warmer. The next few months might have us longing for the magic of Pacific Northwest summers! But humans aren’t the only species dreaming of warmer months, here are six fluff-bugs who’ve had… Read more

7 Ways to Transition New Pets into the Home

The holiday season is a time of year where shelters everywhere experience many “gift adoptions.” While the thought of surprising your loved ones with a long anticipated furry friend might be heartwarming, many of these gift adoptions don’t work out. Why? Because many gift adoptions are impulsive. They can also be forced – where potential… Read more

Kitty Konundrums: 4 Ways to Keep Cats Stimulated During Winter

It’s winter! And while some of us are SO excited to snuggle up next to the fireplace with a hot cup, our kitties are probably grumpily slouched giving us death stares. If your cat is anything like mine, he’s probably yowling at you too! During the colder months, the indoor/outdoor kitty is starting to stay… Read more

14 Holiday Fluffertons That’ll Make Any Grinch Smile

Heart frozen this holiday season? Bad case of the Seattle Freeze? These furry friends are guaranteed to melt the ice around your hearts.   1. This insanely kissable fluffy dude with adorable small feet.  hjghjg 2. And this mischievous scout plotting an assassination.  hjghjg 3. This smooshy pup grinning and bearing it all for Santa.… Read more

6 Thanksgiving Tips to Keep Your Pets (and Turkey) Safe

Every Thanksgiving, pets everywhere are popping their cute heads over kitchen counters. It’s hard to resist those cute big eyes begging for a taste. And while we all love to spoil our pets, here are some guidelines to follow to keep your fur babies healthy and happy: 1. Keep Food Away from your Pet’s Reach… Read more

Leading Teens One Paw at a Time

“If we are to reach [the] world… we shall have to begin with children.” — Mahatma Gandhi At Seattle Humane, we recognize the importance of fostering and nurturing our community’s youth with lifelong skills. Leadership, advocacy, and compassion are just some of the skills we are looking to support in our youth. That’s why we… Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why Senior Pets are Awesome

Here at Seattle Humane, it’s no secret that our senior pets are hidden gems. Often overlooked by potential adopters, senior furry babies are given the short stick because of misconceptions. But have no fear! We are here to shatter those misconceptions, and spread the word on why senior pets are simply awesome.   1. What… Read more

Happy HOWLidays!

Happy HOWLidays from Seattle Humane! This time of the year can get super busy for everyone, so we wanted to make sure you had a one-stop spot for every animal lover in your family — including your furry friend. 2016 Seattle Humane Calendar Get a year of cute with pet photography donated by Anna Hoychuck… Read more

10 Reasons Why Senior Pets Make the Best Companions

Often times senior pets get overlooked when people want to adopt. Everyone thinks the cute little puppy or kitten will be the best addition to the family, but what about the senior pets? Older pets are just as great, if not better for making a wonderful family addition. They make the best companions and truly… Read more

Fix Your Feline

Have you spayed or neutered your pet? Did you know that by spaying or neutering your pet you’re actually getting a happy and healthier pet? Seattle Humane offers several different options for spay and neuter procedures. Coming up on Wednesday, August 19th we are offering $5 male cat neuter surgeries and $15 female cat spay… Read more