Meet Iris

Animal ID 55840832
Species Dog
Looks like Terrier, Mix
Age 1 year
Gender Female
Weight 24 pounds
Color Black
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Location Dog Adoption Rooms

What my friends at Seattle Humane say about me:
· I am an energetic, young dog who would really benefit from training and plenty of enrichment.
· I love playing with my toys in the yard, love treats even more, and like to play in the water.
· I can get overwhelmed when there is a lot happening around me, so a less hectic home environment would be a great fit for me.

Did you know that Seattle Humane has Puppy and Dog training classes? Learn more on our website!

Not all the details about a pet's adoption needs are listed here. We cover all medical and behavior information when you visit us during our walk-in hours, no appointment needed.