Meet Peanut

Animal ID 55432450
Species Dog
Looks like Shepherd, Mix
Age 9 months
Gender Male
Weight 36 pounds
Color Black
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Location Foster

What my friends at Seattle Humane say about me:
-Everyone tells me that my ears are SUPER-cute.
-I absolutely love hanging out with my dog friends and really want a furry brother or sister to show me the ropes at home!
-It takes me some time to get comfortable with people, but with the help of my dog friends, I like to play, run, eat treats, and crawl around on my belly.

Did you know that Seattle Humane has Puppy and Dog training classes? Learn more on our website!

Not all the details about a pet's adoption needs are listed here. We cover all medical and behavior information when you visit us during our walk-in hours, no appointment needed.