Meet Snoopy

Animal ID 50773051
Species Dog
Looks like Retriever, Labrador, Mix
Age 2 years
Gender Male
Weight 64 pounds
Color Black
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Location Dog Adoption Rooms

What my friends at Seattle Humane say about me:
· I am just a baby! I will need ongoing socialization to people and other animals as well as regular play time with you!
· I will need appropriate toys and positive outlets for my energy.
· I would really benefit from taking a Puppy Manners class so that I can continue to learn proper manners and grow up to be a well-rounded pup. Classes based in positive-reinforcement training would be best for me!

Not all the details about a pet's adoption needs are listed here. We cover all medical and behavior information when you visit us during our walk-in hours, no appointment needed.