Meet Nala

Animal ID 42534865
Species Dog
Looks like Terrier, American Pit Bull, Mix
Age 7 years, 6 months
Gender Female
Weight 68 pounds
Color Grey
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Location Foster

What my friends at Seattle Humane say about me:
· My favorite activities include fetch, tug, and walks. Basically anything that lets me spend more time with my person!
· I'm an optimist and see the treat bag as half full. While I'm happy with the treats you've already given me, maybe just a few more please?
· I'm a very smart girl. I know Sit, Down, Leave It and would love to learn more. I'm also an expert at toy disassembly.
· My foster parent said I was a "very gentle goofball, constantly greeting me with a big smile and wagging tail".
· My foster parent said that while I might be talkative here at the shelter I am better at using my quiet voice in a home.
· I have a special surprise related to my adoption fee, find out what it is when you come in and visit me!

Did you know that Seattle Humane has Puppy and Dog training classes? Learn more on our website!

Not all the details about a pet's adoption needs are listed here. We cover all medical and behavior information when you visit us during our walk-in hours, no appointment needed.