We adopted Woody from Seattle Humane in October 2018. Originally from a shelter in Ft. Worth Texas, Seattle Humane offered him a chance for a better life. Unknowingly, Woody’s adoption bagan my path into the world of rescue. Woody was a wonderful family member. He did great with our cat but remained fearful of visitors. The longer we were together, the more we realized that he needed another dog to teach him how to trust. In March 2020, we adopted a puppy from Wenatchee Humane. We later discovered that Woody and Sadie both came from the same shelter in Texas. Sadie’s adoption paperwork included information about the Texas rescue that stepped into foster her, her mom, and siblings. During the isolation of COVID, following Dallas Dog RRR gave me a sense connection. From reading their Facebook posts, I learned about fostering, I attended their online Zoom training discussions, and I educated myself to become a better advocate. In 2022, I was presented with an opportunity to foster two puppies from South Texas, and because of the journey that began with Woody, I felt prepared and said yes. I have since successfully fostered five dogs, and I anticipate my fostering journey continuing. Thank you for all the work you do.