Adoption Update: Jessi

My dog Jessi is a 8 yr old Rottweiler and my best friend I realized there was something wrong with her. I am having financial troubles I have no money at all and I called and e mailed every vet I could trying to get her life saved. The Humane Society was one of them. After a day passed with no answers I was thinking I might have to have her put down if I could even get that done. Needless to say I was so emotional when someone from the humane society called me and said they might be able to help Jessi, and ultimately they did and she had surgery that next morning and she is doing fine at home now and I have my best friend here with me still . Jessi and I are so grateful for the help provided to us by the humane society and without it Jessi would have died a very painful death and I would have had to witness that as well I will be promoting donating to this charity for the rest of my life as well as other charities that help pet owners who have pets in need of care during hard times and preventing so much suffering of animals and people thank you so very much.


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