By Lizzie Pitts Age 11
Hello there! The name’s Annabelle. I’m a 7-year-old gray tabby that enjoys hanging out, cuddling, and just about anything that involves being with you! In my previous home I wasn’t quite pleased with how my litter box was kept, but thankfully here at Seattle Humane everyone takes great care of me and I don’t mind using one now! It’s so nice to have a clean area to do my business!
I’m not a high maintenance kitty, but I am an FIV+ cat. It doesn’t really change who I am, and I don’t have any special needs – I just might be a little more likely to catch the common cold that goes around.
All the staff and volunteers here think I’m a complete love-bug! I like to be around people and will rule over my domain on a high perch. I enjoy being around people so much that I’m what some might call a social eater – I definitely like to eat when people are in the room.
Well, what are you waiting for? Go on! Email the Adoption Team at adoption@seattlehumane.org. I think you’ll find that I’m well worth the trip!